YMCA Glenorchy
Ngā Pānuirongo Hōu
  • 31st Haratua 2024, YMCA

    -reminders for new and existing personnel to site to complete
    the following before commencing work onsite:
    - White Card Inducted
    - VOS Hammertech site Induction
    -Must sign in for work and sign out when going home
    -Must be signed onto SWMS
    -Must have PPE, safety footwear ,hi-vis, safety glasses and
    hard hats when required
    -relevant Hi risk work Safety permit

Matapae Huarere Paemahi
Huarere Paemahi Onāianei

Weather Not Available

Kitenga i pūtake mai i - Bureau of Meteorology
Tauwāhi Kitenga - Hobart Airport, TASMANIA
Rohe Wā - Hobart Wā Aro Whānui
Matapae - Rāpare, 21 Whiringa ā-rangi

Partly cloudy.
Mōkito: 10C Mōrahi: 25C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 5%

Pūtake matapae nō - Bureau of Meteorology
Tauwāhi Matapae - Hobart, TASMANIA
Rohe Wā - Hobart Wā Aro Whānui
Āpōpō - Rāmere, 22 Whiringa ā-rangi

Shower or two developing.
Mōkito: 14C Mōrahi: 28C
Te Tūpono ka Marangai: 50%
Ua Manako: 0 ki 2mm

Ngā Tuhinga Paemahi Hira
Tauhōu ki te Paemahi?

E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?

Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.

Tiro Whakaritenga PPE Paemahi

Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.

Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.

Tīmataria te Rēhitatanga

Tauhōu ki te Paemahi?

E mōhio ana rānei koe ki ngā Whakaritenga PPE mō tēnei paemahi?

Āta tiaki kei a koe ngā taputapu haumarutanga tika mō tō rā tuatahi i te paemahi.

Tiro Whakaritenga PPE Paemahi

Tauhōu ki te Paemahi?

Tīmata wawe ake ina tae koe ki te paemahi.

Whakaotia tuihonotia tō rēhitatanga paemahi ina pai koe hei penapena tāima.

Tīmataria te Rēhitatanga